Detention of Eskandar Ali Mirzayi in the wake of his summon to the intelligence office of Urmia

AZOH: According to the received reports from Sulduz ( Naghadeh) , Urmia intelligent agents on Friday summoned Eskandar Ali Mirzayi by a phone call to the Urmia intelligence office and ordered that eskandar Ali Mirzayi should be attended on Saturday 28 December 2013 in the news headquarter of this security organization for some explanations.
This Azerbaijani activist after referring has not returned back so far and his family are concerned about him.
According to SASM most likely Eskandar Ali Mirzayi while referring to the intelligence office has been arrested and there is no news of this Azerbaijani activist yet.
Some reports by his close friends indicate he has been detained in a party which security forces while stormed the house of his friend, captured Eskandar Ali Mirzayi and took him with themselves.
More detailed information about the arrest of this Azerbaijani activist will be published.
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